Vasastan Vesper

aquavit Oct 10, 2019

So, technically this drink is not really a Vesper, we know. But those into Swedish geography will get the word play, and we wanted to keep this post very Swedish.⁠

Because what could be more Swedish, or at least Scandinavian, than akvavit? For a long time it was only consumed neat, accompanying the Swedish “smorgasbords” both during Easter, Midsummer and Christmas. But something has changed, and now akvavit is a key ingredient in so many cocktails, and it's found at different bars throughout the world.⁠

And this is so well deserved, akvavit is an amazing cocktail ingredient. It is boozy, full of natural flavour and usually clear, making it a convenient partner to several other products. We really like the Åhus akvavit that we are using in this post, it's not an overpowering akvavit hence it is perfect to mix with.⁠

Vasastan Vesper

Recipe by Cocktail Detour


2,5 oz akvavit⁠
0,25 oz cream sherry⁠
0,25 oz clear cacao liqueur


Stir all ingredients with plenty of fresh ice for a long while. There is a lot of akvavit in the mix and diluting it is key for the characteristic flavors to mix well with the chocolate and sherry. Fine strain into a coupe over an ice sphere.


