
campari Mar 12, 2019


We’ve been wanting to use saffron in a cocktail for a long while, but we haven’t really found a recipe that speaks to us until now. But when we saw the Niokronors-cocktail by Emil Åreng we knew this was the one.⁣

It’s almost insane what intense color just a tiny amount of saffron contributes with. We made a saffron simple syrup, that we later added lemon juice to, trying to find the perfect balance between sweet and sour.⁣

Combining this powerful syrup with bitter Campari and smoky mezcal might sound odd, but in the magical world of cocktailing, this recipe works so brilliantly. All the flavors come together and form an experience quite unlike most other cocktails we’ve had.⁣

Nio kronor is Swedish for 9 SEK, roughly equalling 1 EUR or 1 USD. Expect to pay a lot more than that for the rather luxurious ingredients used in this drink, but rest assured it is well worth it!⁣


Recipe by Emil Åreng


1,25 oz mezcal⁣
0,25 oz Campari⁣
1 oz saffron & lemon cordial⁣


Stir all ingredients with fresh ice and strain into glassware of choice.


you choose
