Good Samaritan

banana liqueur Aug 10, 2019


When Cocktailpodden dedicated a full episode to banana liqueur we were inspired to find a really good recipe based on it, making full use of the banana's distinctive flavour.

Because let's face it, banana liqueur had/has a bad reputation. Some ten-twenty years ago it was the go-to-bottle for those exotic, often super sweet and colourful drinks that were the bestsellers of most bars.

Luckily things have changed, and today there are premium banana liqueurs available, tasting less sugar and more banana. The recipe for the Good Samaritan we found in Imbibe Magazine, and to us that's a quality assurance.

And of course we were very happy with the result. You surely taste the banana, but its sweetness is perfectly countered by the stiff bourbon and the sour lemon. The sherry adds both taste and alcohol, while still keeping this drink relatively low-ABV.

Now go get yourself a bottle of good banana liqueur and start experimenting. You will most likely be surprised how good it tastes.

Good Samaritan

Recipe by Paul Rogers


1 oz bourbon
1 oz amontillado sherry
1 oz banana liqueur
1 oz fresh lemon juice


Shake all ingredients with fresh ice, fine strain into a rocks glass and add a large ice cube.


