

In the middle of this week of Cocktail Detour original recipes we wanted to pay homage to our home country Sweden, and make an aquavit based cocktail. Now a few years ago no one would have thought of using aquavit in cocktails. But something has definitely happened and now we see aquavit in several cocktails, also when we are traveling in countries like USA, United Kingdom and Germany to name a few.

And actually, aquavit works wonderfully well in cocktails. In the Petrichor we used O.P. Anderson which is a dill driven aquavit that blends really well with the other ingredients in this cocktail.

O.P. Anderson is a totally clear aquavit though and we wanted this cocktail to be colourful. So we also used Peychauds bitters which gives a nice red colour to any cocktail. And mixed with a lot of pale cream sherry, sweet Cointreau and stingy ginger liqueur a really delicious cocktail is born.




1 oz aquavit
1,25 oz cream sherry
0,5 oz Cointreau
0,25 oz ginger liqueur
3 dashes Peychauds bitters


Stir all ingredients with fresh ice and strain into a coupe.

