Off-White Negroni

There are regular Negronis, there are white Negronis, and then there is the Off-White Negroni. We found the recipe for this gem in Greg Henry's book “Savory Cocktails”.

Suze is a liqueur made on the roots of the gentian plant. This means it gets a bitter taste, but obviously in a good way. Normally you would be tempted to pair it with something sweet or acidic, but here it is rather paired with only Cocchi Americano and gin.

It's not just any gin though, but Old Tom. This means there actually is a slight sweetness in the cocktail after all, and it's just enough to male this a delicious, mature and perfectly balanced cocktail.

Once we had poured the cocktail we immediately realized it called for a dark shot. So it was just a matter of turning off all lights in the apartment, make use of the dark Swedish autumn season outside and just highlight the important parts. After that we drank it, and enjoyed it immensely.

Off-White Negroni



1,5 oz Old Tom gin
0,75 oz Suze
0,75 oz Cocchi Americano


Stir with ice and strain into delicate glassware. Garnish with a lemon peel.

