Negative Space

Maks Pazuniak is the creator of this cool and unusual cocktail. It's called Negative Space and it is a peculiar mix of gentian liqueur, chocolate, sparkling wine and absinthe. The cocktail has a taste hard to describe in words, but we promise an instant wow-effect if you try it or serve it to somebody. (Not guaranteeing you will actually love it, just that it will make an impression).

Now we loved it, this is definitely a cocktail appealing to our taste. There are bitter notes, licorice flavors, sourness and sparkling freshness all at once in this drink. It also gets this funky yellow colour thanks to the Suze, almost turning into green the more you look at it.

The shoot involved no smoke, but mirrors were used we need to admit. Wanting to place these two cocktails in some kind of orbit required some optical illusions. Lets just say this cocktail tastes as interesting as it hopefully looks in this photo.

Negative Space



0,5 oz Suze
0,5 oz lemon juice
0,5 oz crème de cacao
0,25 oz absinte
1 drop orange flower water
3 oz sparkling wine


Shake all ingredients but the wine with ice and strain into a flute glass. Top up with sparkling wine.

