French Car

So we were quite excited when Rubis Blanc asked us if we wanted to make a cocktail with their white whiskey. As we always do we new spirits, we taste it completely natural at first, not mixed in any way. And the very first sip of this transparent whiskey reminded us so much of an elegant Cognac…⁠

…hence we quickly decided we wanted to do a Sidecar riff. We used Rubis Blanc instead of Cognac, and we used home-made rhubarb syrup instead of regular simple syrup.⁠

We ended up with this pale pink cocktail, that tastes somehow like the classic original, but with slightly boozier notes thanks to the whiskey, and a hint of summer thanks to the rhubarbs.⁠

Now it didn't hurt that the Stockholm sun was shining intensely on us and on the cocktail throughout the whole shoot, we hope it shows in the photos!

French Car

Recipe by Cocktail Detour


2 oz Rubis Blanc white whiskey⁠
0,75 oz fresh lemon juice⁠
0,5 oz triple sec⁠
0,25 oz rhubarb syrup⁠


Shake all ingredients with fresh ice and fine strain into a coupe.⁠

