Four Flush Cocktail


We are always excited to shake vintage drinks. The Savoy Cocktail Book, with the creations of Harry Craddock, is packed with retro recipes that almost all seem to stay relevant.⁣

The Four Flush cocktail is no exception. All four ingredients are widely available and used still, hey even that Swedish punsch is sweeping the cocktail world and can now be bought also outside of Sweden.⁣

There are only a few drops of grenadine in the drink, and still it intensely colors it. We think the end result looks so pretty, and we can also reveal it was a delight to drink it.⁣

Four Flush Cocktail

Recipe from The Savoy Cocktail Book


1 dash grenadine⁣
0,75 oz dry vermouth⁣
0,75 oz Swedish punsch⁣
1,5 oz white rum


Shake with fresh ice and double strain into a coupe.⁣

