Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique

The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique cocktail might sound a bit violent (referring to the death blow in Kill Bill). And sure, this mezcal based drink is both characteristic, messy and loud - but in the most wonderful of ways!

Mellowing that mezcal a bit is what the coffee liqueur in the recipe is doing. And this was the perfect opportunity for us to try out Conkerspirit's Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur. This is a premium product made with Brazilian and Ethiopian coffee beans that are then cold brewed in a delicate process. Of course this means there is no need for artificial flavoring or thickening which is super nice we think.

This dark and boozy cocktail is intriguing, mystical, rewarding and brave. You gotta try it out!!

Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique

Recipe by Erick Castro


1,5 oz mezcal
0,75 oz Punt e Mes
0,5 oz coffee liqueur
1 dash chocolate bitters


Stir all ingredients with fresh ice and strain into a rocks glass.

