Disco Rhubarb

First of June means Pride Month has officially begun. Normally a month with worldwide parades, performances, workshops, parties and of course discos - all to highlight and also celebrate rights for the LGBT community.⁠

This year Pride Month will be quite different because of the Covid-19-situation. Of course big parades can't happen, and also most concerts and other performances are cancelled. The hospitality industry will suffer a little extra, as will all amazing artists and other performers relying hugely on Pride Month for their income.⁠

It's only a tiny thing . . . (actually it's a drink) . . . but if us supporting the #pridepour campaign set up by Dan Magro can in anyway inspire or encourage raised awareness of the overall LGBT situation, and the particular challenge this year we are tremendously happy. Dan has been a long time Instagram friend of ours, always supportive of our posts, our captions and the way we've chosen to live our lives. It's so heartwarming also to see his engagement in The Trevor Project - an organisation dedicated to providing crisis intervention for LGBT youth.⁠

When we stumbled upon Oskar Kinberg's recipe for the Disco Rhubarb we knew it would be our entry for Dan's campaign. Who doesn't need a disco right now? Especially if it's rhubarb flavored!⁠

Disco Rhubarb

Recipe by Oskar Kinberg⁠


2 oz akvavit⁠
2 oz rhubarb syrup⁠
2 oz cloudy apple juice⁠


Add all three ingredients to a highball glass. Gently stir and add a lot of crushed ice, a straw and use a fancy flower for garnish.⁠

