
Not all tiki cocktails need to be based around pineapple, coconut or passion fruit. The Cuevas cocktail by Dane Barca is a good example of this.

First of all that small amount of cinnamon syrup is defining the drink quite a lot. The earthy and spicy flavours it adds to the cocktail are really nice. The port wine and the Punt e Mes lowers the overall ABV and give the cocktail a very pleasant ruby red colour.

In the end the rum is the star, and thanks to it this is still very much a tiki cocktail. A Maraschino cherry as the only garnish we think binds the whole creation together, making it look very sophisticated. Cheers!




0,25 oz cinnamon syrup
0,5 oz Punt e Mes
0,25 oz port wine
2 oz blended aged rum
6 drops tiki bitters


Stir all ingredients with fresh ice and strain into a coupe.

