Coup d'etat


We had a feeling this one could end up a little on the sweet side according to our personal taste - and it kind of did… However it's basically only the amount of grenadine used that determines the level of sweetness, so it can be easily adjusted. Next time we will only use 0,5 oz of grenadine.⁣

And we will most likely make this drink again, because it's an interesting one. Scotch on its own is delicious, and the Haig Club we are using is particularly good to mix with. Punt e Mes is a bitter-sweet vermouth that we love to mix with thanks to its distinct flavour. Grenadine from Giffard and a barspoon of Fernet-Branca finish the drink in an elegant way and the completed creation is certainly a memorable one.⁣



Recipe by Josh Taylor


1,5 oz scotch⁣
0,75 oz grenadine⁣
0,5 oz Punt e Mes⁣
0,25 oz orange liqueur⁣
1 barspoon Fernet-Branca⁣


Stir with fresh ice and fine strain into a coupe glas.

