Champagne Cobbler


Crushing ice with a mallet is wonderful! There's something quite powerful about the feeling when those large ice cubes get crushed, and you're left almost with snow.⁣

Using that crushed ice in a Champagne Cobbler is perfect. It is a super simple cocktail, yet a good way of turning sparkling wine even more exciting and exquisite.⁣

Orange liqueur is something we've always enjoyed. In this recipe only a tiny amount is used, however you can still really taste it - and it adds a nice base flavour to this cocktail.⁣

Champagne Cobbler



0,25 oz lemon juice⁣
0,25 oz Cointreau⁣
1 orange wheel⁣
Champagne or other sparkling wine⁣


Fill a large wine glass with freshly crushed ice. Add the lemon juice and orange liqueur and top up with sparkling wine. Stir ever so gently, garnish with the orange wheel and enjoy immediately.


wine glass