Carrot Daiquiri


We found this recipe via Imbibe Magazine and immediately remembered we had some leftover carrot juice in the freezer. What a great reason to thaw it and put it to use.⁣

This daiquiri variation is so good. First of all there is the color, thanks to that carrot juice. We think that intense orange appearance makes the drink look tasty on it's own. But then there's also rum and falernum in it, and we adore both. ⁣

As this is a frozen drink we kind of felt the Swedish spring quickly turned into summer while sipping these. In reality we still have to wait a month or so for summer, but this cocktail certainly evoked some summer feelings.⁣


Carrot Daiquiri

Recipe by T.J. Palmieri⁣


1,75 oz white rum⁣
1 oz carrot juice⁣
0,75 oz falernum⁣
0,5 oz fresh lime juice⁣
0,25 oz simple syrup⁣


Put all ingredients into a blender together with one cup of crushed ice. Blend until smooth and pour into a tall glass.⁣

