
Carissa - we are your Secret Santé this year!⁠

We've been following you for a long while, and we have always felt drawn to your beautiful cocktail creations. Today we want to make a cocktail inspired by you in three distinctive areas:⁠

1) You live in Alaska, and there is already a fantastic cocktail called Alaska. It is made with gin (sometimes old tom) and yellow Chartreuse. We riffed this a bit, still sticking somehow to the original idea of the drink.⁠

2) One of you favourite berries is currants, hence we decided to use a small amount of créme de cassis. It gave this drink a wonderful colour. It is a super sweet liqueur though so we needed to counter it with something a little more fresh…⁠

3)… and while we have no bottles from Alaska in our home bar, at least we have a good selection of American spirits. In this case we decided to reach for the Etrog liqueur. While still sweet it also has sour notes which we find quite refreshing.⁠

Naming this Carissafied Alaska cocktail was the easy part. This is of course; a Calaska.⁠ Cheers Carissa, and thanks for the continuous inspiration!⁠

Secret Santé is a yearly event initiated by Matthias and we are participating for the third time. 


Recipe by Cocktail Detour


2 oz gin⁠
0,5 oz Etrog liqueur⁠
0,25 oz créme de cassis⁠
a few dashes of prune bitters⁠


Stir all ingredients with fresh ice then strain into a coupe. Garnish with a brandied cherry.⁠

