Blood & Skar

This is a Blood and Sand riff, using akvavit rather than rum. It makes this cocktail much more Scandinavian, and as Swedes that's something we have to love. By the way, anybody knows the Swedish word for blood? And even trickier, what's the Swedish word for sand?⁠

The glassware deserves a mentioning of its own. We were gifted this glass a few years ago, and we only use it for bold, confident and daring cocktails. Blod & Skar is certainly such a cocktail.⁠

Blod & Skar

Recipe by Sean Davey


0,75 oz akvavit⁠
0,5 oz scotch⁠
0,5 oz Cherry Heering⁠
0,5 oz sweet vermouth⁠
0,5 oz orange juice


Shake all ingredients with fresh ice and fine strain into a coupe.⁠

