Amber and Wine


A few weeks ago we celebrated midsummer in Sweden. It is one of the occasions when drinking akvavit is extra appropriate. Akvavit is a traditional, strong and spicy spirit that is consumed throughout the Nordic countries.

This brand new version from Stockholms Bränneri is flavoured with dill flower, elderflower and juniper. And especially because of the juniper this akvavit has a certain gin feeling to it, which is absolutely delicious.

In this recipe the akvavit gets to shine, and it is only mixed with mellow but wonderful Lillet Blanc and then a tiny amount of triple sec for those orangy notes. It is a cocktail to sip on slowly, to really appreciate all those complex and enjoyable flavours of the akvavit.

Amber and Wine

Recipe by Rasmus Poulsgaard


2 oz akvavit
1 oz Lillet Blanc
1 bar spoon triple sec


Stir all ingredients with fresh ice and strain into a coupe straight from the freezer. Garnish with chive.

